Wednesday 2 March 2016

OUGD502: Studio Brief 2 - Design Strategy Presentation: Behance

OUGD502 Studio Brief 2 - Design Strategy Presentation


feel I have been fairly ontop of networking this year devoting a conscious effort to my linked in and tumblr accounts as well as engaging with the visiting professionals however one area of my networking I feel less confident with is my bechance page. I initially created it but have forgotten about it little bit. I feel I need to start to prioritise this more to get my physical work online and out into the public sphere. The problem with this is due to the workload and deadlines I haven't had time to book a photography studio and professionally photograph all my work to a standard that I would be happy to put onto behance. Identifying this I plan to book a studio closer to the end of the year when I have completed all my briefs for this academic year and the workload starts to reduce and photograph all my work at once and create succinct explanation behind the project. This is the most efficient way to ensure I start to engage more with this creating sharing platform which will hopefully get me some exposure and will act as an online portfolio studios/ clients can look through. 

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