Wednesday, 16 March 2016

OUGD502: Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report: Evaluation

OUGD502 Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report


The process of this creative report allowed me to become more familiar with a number of industry studios and professionals which aids the ongoing development of networking and industry awareness within my practice. I found this the most challenging aspect of the report as firstly I had to identify particular industry figures I admired and felt engaged to talk to, which was only half the battle as I found it particularly difficult to get in contact with a number of these figures and more importantly get a response back. This initially deterred me but seeking feedback from other students and tutors I found the only way to be successful was to pro-actively engage with networking strategies such as linked in and social media platforms to create a more personal connection with potential figures as opposed to generic multi-purpose emails.

Moving away from corporate studios I shifted my attention to freelance designers, in the hope they would be more available to engage in a dialogue. This successfully resulted in identifying Ben Biondo as an appropriate research focus for the body of my creative report. I identified Ben through my personal blog used for inspiration. I was initially attracted to his aesthetic as his implementation of pastel colours, clean lines and refined illustrations appealed to my sense style and was reflective of the type of design I aspire to produce within my own practice. Contacting Ben required several attempts due to his busy schedule my initial email got lost in his inbox, through perseverance I managed to open I dialogue with Ben who was more than happy to engage with the brief.

Analysing Ben’s practice and his route into industry via his website I wanted to focus the body of my creative report around his inspirations and attitudes towards design. I felt this would create a more engaging report and would give me greater insight as to how Ben approaches design and ultimately how I can transfer some of these qualities into my own practice, in order to holistically develop as a creative practitioner. I questioned Ben about his sense of style and how he manages to maintain this aesthetic while fulfilling the needs of his clients as well as broader topics of inspiration and the correlation between location and aesthetic. His answers demonstrated that he clearly thought about each question and carefully considered his responses. This provided me with a great insight into Ben an individual with a genuinely creative outlook on life.  

I was ambitious with the how I wanted to articulate my creative report, I asked Ben if he would be willing to collaborate with me on a series of prints that used succinct statements representing what I took from my investigation into his practice and how these elements can help me to develop as a person and a creative. Ben agreed to this collaboration and sounded genuinely engaged with the concept. I developed a set of three statements which focused around the main points I took from the report; "have some f**king fun" which I feel is needed as I can get quite perfectionist(ic) especially around deadlines, Ben’s practice reminds me to just take a step back, don't stress and just enjoy the process of making things. "open your eyes" focused on how Ben talks about taking inspiration from places, feelings, ideas and just about everything. Finally, "don't settle, evolve" removes a sense of permanency from design which helped me to identify that we all evolve as people and creatives and that where we start certainly isn’t where we'll end up. Ben interpreted these statements into signature illustrations which I then complemented with type and colour, screen printing the resolutions to create a limited run of contextually engaging prints.

I have been thoroughly engaged with the creative report and learning about Bens attitudes towards design as I feel I can definitely take away elements of this to inspire my own practice. The prints created a high quality engaging resolution that works well to articulate the key aspects I have taken away from my Investigation into Ben Biondo. The element I have most enjoyed is the process of collaborating with Ben as treated me as a designer not as a student which was really nice to be accepted and work professionally with a designer I admire within the industry and for him to complement my contribution to the collaboration serves as a great stepping stone in building my confidence of working within the professional sphere.

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