Wednesday 2 March 2016

OUGD502: Studio Brief 2 - Design Strategy Presentation: Business Card

OUGD502 Studio Brief 2 - Design Strategy Presentation

Business Card 

With a new playful logo the next stage in revitalising my identity was to seamlessly transition this onto a new business card design. Similarly to the logo I wanted my business card to make a bold playful statement that represented my current practice and presented a succinct professional statement to whoever I give a business card to. 

I started experimenting with my logo placement on the front design, initially opting for quite minimal with a vast amount of white space however through development found a large oversized logo that cute of the edge of the page worked well adding a further layer of ambiguity to the logo to create an almost text as image vibe. to me colour is important within a business card as it needs to grab the attention of the client however my use of colour within my practice is quite structured and refined. To make this representative of me I added a stark angled corner of bold vibrant colour this complements to the oversized logo working well with the positioning of the letterforms. It allows the design to remain fairly minimal in its concept with white space and bold colour presenting a confident statement about who I am as a designer. 

Working on the reverse design I needed this to be more structured presenting the contact details, I actually kept this structure very similar to the reverse design of my level 4 business card as I felt the type worked well stating my profession, email and a bechance link to my work. These are the main elements people would need to access fro the card a way to contact me and a way to view my work. To add some aesthetic detailing I initially experimented with my name placement to spell it out more clearly for the client however this minimal aesthetic contrasted the bold from design and I didn't feel there was a sense of consistency across both sides of the card.

Working on the playful confident context of the front design I started to experiment with different arrangements of my name, This highlights the experimental nature of my practice and adds a bolder more engaging aesthetic that complements the front design. 

Happy with both faces of my business card I mocked it up in photoshop to get an idea of how these would look printed. I asked for students and tutors for feedback and was greeted with positive feedback stating the designs looked 'very professional' 'very you' and 'nicely balanced' I used the colour from the front on the reverse design creating further continuity between the faces which added nice elements of colour against the white stock. The only concern was how close the contact info was to the edge of card which was at risk of being cropped when cut down which is something that can be easily adjusted. These final designs well represent my current practice and I would feel confident handing them to a client. 

For submission I printed a range of my final designing in digital print, I experimented further with colour trailing afew different palettes, I honestly liked them all and didn't feel the need to restrict myself to one colour when its so simple to print multiple colours on one sheet. The final prints worked well however I feel to give to clients I would need my cards professionally printed to give the most professional first impression. Researching business card printing companies I found the most appropriate company was due to their reasonable pricing, high quality resolutions, choice of finishing techniques and the ability to print a different design on each card which means I could print multiple colours making my cards diverse and feasible as a series.  

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