Wednesday 10 May 2017

OUGD602: Portfolio Review - Thompson Brand Partners

Discussing with tutors extended opportunities to engage with the industry, Amber suggested contacting alumni Jimmy Smith, who works at Thompson brand partners as a means to build up industry contact. I love the work Thompson produce and felt a looking through my portfolio would be a non-invasive way to become familiar with the studio. Emailing jimmy directly he initially didn't reply however a follow up email quickly responded saying he would be happy to help setting a time and date for me to go in and get a feel for their studio space. 

Talking through my portfolio with jimmy was a great experience in understanding the etiquette in engaging with live studios and gave insight as to how potential interview scenarios might take place. Jimmy offered a range of great insight into my current portfolio this ranged from taking certain projects, adjusting their running order, and the role of narrative within each brief. He said he really liked my brand proposal for Harrison France and the use of innovation within my Greenalls submission and said its exactly the things Thompson look for and try to implement into their own practice. The main point I took from receiving feedback from jimmy was that he said 'Bring it to life make sure the story you tell is consistent with the one on screen' this advice is a great platform to build from ensuring I am passionate in how I talk about my work as this will inspire whoever I am talking too and get them excited about what I am producing. 

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