Monday, 1 May 2017

OUGD602: Personal Branding - Website

Identifying an appraise range of collateral for my identity I established a website was paramount to my professional development. Throughout the MA application process it was advised to send your portfolio via website however mine was distributed through electronic PDF, A website is further beneficial for freelance opportunities and creative exposure particularly looking towards the degree show and D&AD New Blood Festival. Identifying the main requirement for my website it to showcase my work, particularly when going into studios for visits and portfolio surgeries this established large bold imagery needed to be at the forefront of my site. 

With a student budget and little coding experience I needed to utilise a platform that was relatively simple to use exploring Wix, adobe portfolio, tumblr, and squarespace I identified Squarespace as the most appropriate platform as although it is the most expensive they provide a generous student discount and is the quickest and most user friendly experience to create a custom domain. With an online presence it is important to create continuity to ensure my profile is easy to find, searching across a range of domains and social media accounts I found 'MADEBYRHYS' was available across all of these. I feel this domain is particularly appropriate as within my practice I like to physically create and make things, this is evident within my response to the Greenall's // YCN brief, my dissertation, as well as a range of other examples within my portfolio highlights my ability to create bespoke physical outcomes that work effectively to enhance the resolution. 

Developing my website I chose a theme that was centred around photography with full bleed imagery and a simply scrollable navigation. I have made it a priority to take a range of professional photographs of all of my level 6 outcomes, this makes building a website so much easier with a range of rich engaging imagery that elevates the digital presence of each project. 

Incorporating type into my each project was initially ambiguous as I didn't know how much / little to include, asking for tutor feedback and discussing this with other students found an introductory sentence to the project and small summative description wold be most effective to give the user a succinct overview of the project, concept, and output. 

Even though the basic template for the website is relatively simple it functions effectively as a platform to promote my practice which will be an extremely useful tool when talking to students and generally engaging with the industry having this base to direct people to my work. 

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