Monday 1 May 2017

OUGD602: Creative Report - Plants on Pink

Evaluating at this stage in the year it was not appropriate for me to engage in a placement due to the Extended practice workload having already been let down my a studio and had real difficultly opening a line of conversation with others I still wanted to demonstrate a sophisticated engagement with the industry in a way that felt more beneficial to me as a creative. Last year in Level 5 I interviewed Ben Biondo, a Freelance designer from California and was really inspired by his insight into his design practice. Having already collated a report on a freelance designer i wanted to research other aspect of the creative industry and identifying how difficult it has been to get in contact with studios ruled this out also. 

Thinking about different areas I was interested in I came across the Plants on Pink Instagram account, this innovatively looks at curation in a new sense being performed totally though instagram. The concept is so simple and the account functions as an online catalogue of plants against pink backgrounds, I really like the aesthetic of this and wanted to find out more about how this has become so successful attracting over 80,000 followers. I contacted the owner of the account Lotte Van Baalen to discuss her role in curating the project which falls into the category of Art Direction, which is something I want to explore further within postgraduate study therefore this insight becomes truly relevant to developing my practice. 

Thankfully Lotte replied promptly saying she'd love to help me and would be more than happy to answer my questions. 

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