Monday 1 May 2017

OUGD602: Portfolio Review - Harrison Park

As our portfolio surgeries have been delayed until after hand in I wanted to get some feedback on my portfolio before I submit and felt this would be a good excuse to get into contact with Harrison Park, an LCA alumni I follow him on social media and really like his work. I was curious to ask him about his experiences after graduating and how he chose to move into the freelance sector. Harrison was happy to meet up and despite a few timetable clashes we arranged to meet up for a pint and look through my portfolio. 

Meeting Harrison he showed me his portfolio and how this had developed from his student portfolio to his current professional folio, It was interesting to see how he has evolved as a designer in the two years since graduating and the difference in the type of projects he now engages with commercially as opposed to his student briefs. Looking through my portfolio was really helpful as he pointed out some stylistic changes to make regarding some briefs. Harrison was complementary of my work he seemed genuinely engaged with the projects I was undertaking and completed my Harrison France brand proposal and said that my YCN competition entry was particularly strong. Talking to Harrison beyond subject of portfolios gave me a greater insight as to what its like to work within the industry, he emphasised how from a freelance point of view time is money therefore he works fast creating a 2 or 3 sophisticated design proposals for a client in a day. This shocked me slightly as I am in a routine of having weeks to work with design proposals and is something I will need to improve upon when graduating so to keep up with the faster pace as a designer. Talking with Harrison made me aware as to how naive I am as a designer, he mentioned a vast range of studios I had never heard of, my response to this is to start taking a more active role in looking through design bloggs such as its nice that and computer arts to develop more of a sophisticated understanding of what is happening in the design world and what different studios are working on. It was a really great opportunity to just sit down with Harrison and have a beer, he gave me some great insights into the industry and helped me develop my portfolio further both digitally and through my website. 

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