Tuesday, 16 February 2016

OUGD502: Study Task 1 - Study Task Evaluation

OUGD502 Study Task 1 - Taking Care of Business 

Study Task Evaluation 

This study task challenged me to work within a group to identify a very personal topic of what I want to do after university, this would be difficult to put any group of individuals and expect them to have a similar path due to the vast expanding nature of the industry. There was no significant conflicts within the group, I feel we were initially reserved as to the direction we wanted to take however managed to agree on the multi-dimensional platform that would implement everybody skills and specialities. 

We approached the task very democratically voting as a group on all major decisions which ensured a fair resolution to any problems. Everyone pulled their weight within the group distributing research focuses evenly and dividing the presentation equally to ensure no one had more that others of took over. Even though our styles vary in terms of aesthetic we agreed the aesthetic of the branding and collateral needed to be fairly minimal so to not contrast any particular style of work as the magazine/website will features work from all platforms, this clean contemporary style ensured the best composition of the content.

It is a common statement in business to never get into bed with your friends however in this instance I feel that is wrong as through the process of this study task we have kept each other motivated and the creative brainstorming sessions have resulted in great ideas and a high quality resolution. The process of creating a business plan initially sounded dull however doing it with friends made it more fun and allowed me to realise the full potential of start up businesses. 

'Its not the destination its the journey' and I have enjoyed the process of creating a business plan within my group. 

The feedback from the tutors was engaging and supportive, it extended on ideas we presented to add more commercial context if the business was to be extended into a live project. I feel the concept was articulated successfully within the presentation and the tutors identified the wealth of research and development within our business plan. 

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