Friday 26 February 2016

OUGD502: Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report: The Proposal

OUGD502 Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report

The Proposal

The second part of the report was to creatively interpret the responses from Ben and visually communicate this creatively to produce an focused engaging resolution to the brief. This is where I would have had trouble if I had created my report around a studio however as Ben is a freelancer I can make my creative resolution more personal and engaging. I felt this would be a great opportunity to create a collaboration between me and Ben as a designer I admire within the industry feel with would help to improve my practice and fulfil a sense of achievement working with one of my design idols. This could even lead to chargeable work if we sold the prints, I plan to screen print the resolutions adding a tactile print method which will create a more engaging resolution and high quality finish. 

Ive been having a problem with getting responses from Ben due to his busy schedule so conversation has been split via email and the instant messaging function within Tumblr. I sent ben the proposal which he got back to be saying he'd be willing to collaborate with me, when asking about what sort of style he'd prefer he was very relaxed leaving the design direction up to me. I find this exciting as it will give me opportunity to generate the concept and show I can collaborate within the professional industry. 

I emailed Ben my design proposal which would incorporate both of our styles into a contemporary print series that was contextually informed by his answers. I have created a narrative for each of the three prints that I have given Ben free-reign to interpret however he likes which will add a good mix of our individual style to the piece. I am now just waiting for ben to approve this direction before I start developing some physical work. 

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