Tuesday, 16 February 2016

OUGD502: Study Task 1 - Collation: Presentation

OUGD502 Study Task 1 - Taking Care of Business 

Collation: Presentation

I took the lead on the collation and creation of the presentation creating the template and colour palette. I opted for minimal text to ensure the presentation slides weren't too words which would distract the audience instead opting for brief summaries that would be verbally expanded on during the presentation. We worked on a running order that would seamlessly flow through the content to ensure the presentation had a natural progression making it the most accessible for the audience. 

With the presentation developed we then distributed the individual slides that each group member would elaborate on, we based this upon the individual research topics we assigned as we would have the most in depth knowledge about these slides, we then distributed the rest of the slides evenly to ensure each member had a even workload. I elaborated on the concept, issue 1 breakdown and finance. We practised this presentation as a group several times before the presentation as well as that morning to ensure it was succinct and professional as well as trailing a range of sample questions to ensure the presentation ran as smoothly as possible. 

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