Wednesday 17 February 2016

OUGD502: Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report: Methods of Communication

OUGD502 Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report

Methods of Communication

Linked in

Talking to my tutor he explained the opportunities that Linked In provides as a professional form of communication with other practitioners. In terms of this brief sending generic emails to the hello@'studio name' will rarely achieve a response whereas linked in allows me to target specific designers from the studio creating a more focused route into talking with a particular studio. 

From this I decided to focus my main efforts of communication through Linked in as well as personal email addresses. I initially considered a more tactile form of communication such as printed letters and postcards however concluded this would be less affective sending it to the studio where the receptionist will most lively receive it, instead  I aim to focus on creating a personal connection with a designer that will be more genuine and direct. I hope this will lead me to connecting with a range of industry professionals that if nothing else will boost my network on linked in and they are there for future opportunities that may even include employment. 

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