Sunday 30 April 2017

OUGD602: Studio Contact - Lord Whitney

Exploring other studios I felt I would get a valuable experience working with I identified Lord Whitney as a great contact to have. Their portfolio sits outside of Graphic Design in Art Direction and set design however I love the diversity and experimentation within their practice, it feels fun and like there would be never a dull moment. On their website it says they occasionally take inters however at this stage I just wanted to go in see their studio and talk more about art direction as a practice as this is something that interests me as a potential career. In order to get my foot in the door I decided to create an invitation bespokely created to ask Lord Whitney if I could come in and have a chat. This featured a large cutout of the word lord which backs onto one of my pattern designs, this shows the invitation was created just for them and would stand me in good stead to be invited in. Inside there is a hand written message asking to learn more about them and their practice. 

Sending this invitation off I heard back from the founders Amy and Bek saying they unfortunately wouldn't have time to have me into the studio at present however to keep in contact as they are considering events to invite students into their workshop in the near future. Unfortunately this is disappointing however the hand made invitation will hopefully be memorable for future experiences and engaging with the studio in the future. 

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