Sunday, 30 April 2017

OUGD602: Internship - The Archipelago

Talking about placement opportunities Michael discussed how when they have placements into the studio they like to provide an immersive experience where they take interns to client meetings, pitch presentations and allow them to work on design in isolation as opposed to shadowing another designer for a week. He described how this process works really well for them as a studio and shows how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together as opposed to just seeing how a designer designs. This was the type of placement I wanted to be involved in and help this would allow me a great commercial insight to the industry. 

Catching up with Michael via email it became tricky to arrange a time for placement, He initially said to contact him in the new year however this kept being dragged out due to the high volume of work the studio was receiving. Micheal said he didn't want an intern in when they were really busy as he wouldn't be able to provide the type of experience he talks about. Eventually we established this wouldn't be feasible within term time before May unfortunately letting me down with regards to the ability to come and work within the studio. 

This puts me in a difficult position naively putting all my eggs in one basket assuming I had a placement puts me back at square one at the end of January when most of my peers already have placements organised by now. I will definitely learn from this in the future that although something may be scheduled this can always fall through and that I should defiantly have a plan B just incase. 

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