Sunday 30 April 2017

OUGD602: Masters - Manchester / Further Information

With Manchester Metropolitan Universities (MMU) course being the most relevant to my practice I contacted the programme leader for the Graphic Design and Art Direction Pathway to arrange a meeting to talk in more detail about the course as he was absent from the open day. Arranging a meeting with Clinton this provided me with a much better insight as to how the course runs, we discussed typical proposals of study, how this develops and changes over the year and what the optional research modules entail. 

Furthermore I saw this as an opportunity to get feedback on some of the work I have been producing which was a valuable experience, Clinton responded well to my current portfolio talking in depth about my Figment Zine and dissertation projects. He felt these were conceptually developed to go beyond a aesthetic resolution and could see the sophisticated development of a concept embedded within my design resolutions. This was a great opportunity to get my work critiqued by other members of the design community and gave me confidence to apply for the course. 

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