Sunday 15 February 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Self Branding: Interim Critique

Interim Critique

I had a scheduled individual interim critique with module leader John today to discuss my ideas toward the brief so far. I showed him my mind map and initial ideas and talked through my response to the brief this far. He was really positive towards my research telling me that it was really good to collate all of my inspiration together as this will make it easier to design from. When I asked him what other directions I could take my deign he told me to resort back to my mind map as he felt there was a range of inspiration and number of directions in which I could take my design. 

He then talked to me about the importance of a digital and online presence and told be about countless jobs he has received as a practising professional from Linked In. He strongly advised me to make a lined in account and start trying to connect with practitioners as this was a good way to meet people and he has found a good way for students to get design placements. He also told to create an online portfolio to direct potential clients/studios to my work as this would increase my presence within the industry. I will definitely take on board this advise and create a range of digital profiles to make myself more discoverable. 

We concluded our tutorial by him reassuring game that I had a good foundation with the work I had already carried out and that the inspiration and design will come, he reinforced the importance of a digital presence and that this is consistent across all platforms. I feel a lot more confident now as I was beginning to panic with my lack on inspiration but I feel as though if I relax and revisit my mind map I will find a range of new inspirit that I can develop into successful concepts.

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