Thursday 26 January 2017

OUGD602: Personal Project - Figment Zine: Pressision Contact

Pleased with the results of the finished zine I contacted Pressision, a creative commercial printers, regarding a quote to produce a small run of 5-10 copies to send to studios and submissions such as the it's nice that blog and creative review as a means to gain industry exposure and get my foot in the door as such. Due to the dimensions of the book and inside knowledge from visiting Pressission in Level 4, I established it could produced using their inkjet printer as opposed to litho printing, which would significantly reduce the start up costs requiring no printing plates or machine times. Contacting Pressision I found this quote was considerably more expensive than I first estimated quoting close to £400 for 5 copies, this makes this option unobtainable far exceeding a student budget. Considering alternatives to this I will consider producing a handmade run however this is equally expensive, time consuming and temperamental with university facilities requiring 4 covers to be produced in order to obtain a jacket with a successfully foiled title. 

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