Sunday 29 January 2017

OUGD602: Internships - Intro & Show Reel

Having been briefed on the module it is essential to demonstrate an ability to engage with industry, within this briefing it was suggested the most appropriate form of which is through a work placement or internship. This is an exciting yet daunting concept of engaging with professional studios in the hope of learning from their experience. A sense of confidence needs to be put forward in contact studios to ensure the best first impression, to do so I have created a small show reel PDF of some of my strongest work from last year and the beginning of this year to present a representative sample of my style and the quality of design I am capable of. I feel confident in sending this sample of work to studios when contacting them as I have selected each brief to discuss different design processes, concepts and deliverables demonstrating my diversity within my practice. Through the course of the OUGD602 module I plan to create a fully functioning website however for these placements I felt I needed to get in early therefore the Mini Show Reel is the most appropriate form of first contact. 

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