Saturday, 29 November 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Creative Networks - Matt Forsythe

Creative Networks - Matt Forsythe 

I went to the creative networks talk held at the college with Matt Forsythe (Adventure Time) / Cameron Stewart & Babs Tarr (DC Comics / Batgirl). I found this talk a really great way to engage with the industry as it was was leading professionals talking about their experiences which was great to hear. I found out a lot more about the creative world of illustration which was a great way to develop my knowledge hearing first hand from professionals. 

Matt Forsythe worked on award winning TV series adventure time. He talked about the process from ideas to screen. It is a storyboard driven show meaning the characters have deep storylines and personalities, the characters are organic dimensional characters which are drawn by hand which shows how it takes 5 weeks to make a story board for 1 episode. He called cartoon network the fun factory as a joke as there was intense pressure to keep on-top of the workload. He explained how the production team was a small team of 4 designers and they were required to draw up a full episode by hand one every week. 

This showed me how serious and intense industry level work can be, he explained how his passion for illustration helped him to keep on top of his workload as there was a lot of pressure and late nights to meet the production schedule. I was interested to find out a professional as talented as Matt Forsythe didn't go to art school and instead majored in political science in university. It was only later that he thought seriously about a career in illustration. I thought this scheduled event was extremely engaging, it was great to hear first hand about the industry and has broadened my knowledge of commercial illustration. 

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