Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Self Branding: OUGD402 END OF MODULE EVALUATION

OUGD402 - Module Evaluation

Looking at this module in retrospect I feel I have learn a great deal about how the industry functions and how  I can start to emerge into it. I feel this module relied more heavily on the experiemental process of understanding myself as a designer and communicating this effectively.  I have clearly documented my methodology throught the course of this module. I feel the quality of my outcome in this module is of a  extremely high quality due to the depth of my investigation research and timescale I was given to produce my resolution. 

Brief one allowed me to investigate itno the industry learning about local, nationa and international studios to give me a broder knowledge of practising studios, this has also inspired my practise over the course of the year as I have taken inspirations from these studios and applied it into my own practise. This brief has allowed me to engage more with the industry than I typically would have, I have visited a range of galleries, print fairs and talks with industry leading designers to raise my awareness of whats currentyl happeing within the industry. I have reflected on how I have deleoped throughout the year through ongoing evaluations of my modules to highlight my progression throughout the course thus far

Brief 2 I initially found challenging as the I was the client for the brief developing my own identity that would be the first point of contact with clients and potential employers.  I wanted this identity to represent me and my practise yet still be professional and engaging. I have learnt how to develop a concept and the importance of applying this to all aspects of the design to create a continuity between my resolutions. I used research and feedback from students and tutors to inform y design decisions to create a sucessfull resolution to the brief. I feel my outcome is representive of me as an individual and reflects my practise well. I feel I have created a strong concept and look forward to developign this into level 5 and 6 of the course, as my personal branding will be ever evolving with my practise as I learn new skills and develop as a designer. 

Overall I am happy with my progress through the module and my development throughout the year. I feel I have learnt an abundance of new essential skills that will be invaluable  when developing throughout the course and into an industry practise. I feel I have a much better understanding of the design process as a result of this module and think I have worked more independantly through the course of this module, managing my time according and organising my own bookings, inductions etc. Due to the extended nautre of the module I have had chance to enjoy the design process without it feeling rushed meaning I can extensively collate research and develop my designs to the highest possible quiality. I feel this module has given me more independance when designing and allowed me to think about myself as a designer and how I want to present myself to clients and employers. 

Studio Brief 3 - Design Strategy Presentation

Studio Brief 3 - Design Strategy Presentation 

Studio Brief 2 - Self Branding: Business Card Production


I printed my final business card in digital print to see how the final design worked in context. I thought they worked well as the front display logo created bold engaging aesthetic. I liked the minimal reverse design as it used plenty of white space giving the design a contemporary aesthetic. I feel the bold display typeface works well as it is the first thing that catches the eye on the reverse side of the card. The body copy printed slightly smaller than anticipated however I personally like the small text as I think it allows the whole design to breathe and doesn't overcomplicate the minimal design. 

I printed my business cards on a range of stocks to experiment with different stock choices. I sampled GF Smith 135gsm ice white stock as I felt this would give a clean feel that enhance my modern contemporary aesthetic. Somerset antique white 250gsm stock as I wanted to experiment with different paper weights and standard matt stock from the print room. I printed my designs on all the sample stocks and ultimately found the standard white print room stock to work best. The G F Smith stock was too thin for the purpose of a business card and the somerset stock made the ink bleed causing the images to be less sharp and vibrant. I am happy with the final outcome of my printing however would suggest my final stock choice is still slightly too thin for business cards. If producing these for real life application I would consider outsourcing the printing from specialist business card printers such as which provide great quality prints on industry leading stock. 

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Studio Brief 1 - Reflective Practise: COP Turn It In Feedback

COP Turn It In Feedback

As an interim submission for our extended Context of Practise essay I was required to submit a draft of my essay using the turn it in software, this meant that the tutors could easily asses my progress so far and give quicker summative feedback. This gave me a clear target to work to as the module was spread over the course of the year, I could then plan my time appropriately to ensure I had a completed first draft to submit before the interim deadline. 

I completed the first draft of my essay in time achieving the minimum word count, I felt my essay was of a relatively good quality as I had thought about the argument I was presenting and backed it up with a range of sources. I unfortunately did not have to construct my bibliography for the interim submission however I felt I should have prioritised submitting a finished fist draft over submitting 3/4 of an essay that included a bibliography. I was extremely with the feedback  I received from this interim submission, Tutors considered this first draft 'a very good essay' and considered my image analysis 'Excellent'. This is extremely encouraging as acting upon the changed suggested here I feel I have  the opportunity to create an extremely strong analytical piece of writing. 

Following this Turn It In feedback I was given a scheduled tutorial with the module leader to discuss the feedback in more depth. He was very encouraging and stated that the essay is around a 2:1 standard and has the potential to be a first if I correct all the necessary suggestions. He explained these changed in more detail and I agree with the suggestions he ha make for example not using bullet points as this can look amateur and relating certain parts of the essay back to the initial question to further evidence my point. I will make the nessacrry changed and include my full bibliography before the final submission to improve the overall quality of my essay.