Thursday, 23 February 2017

OUGD602: DBA - Brief and Initial Research

As part of the PPP module we are encourage to take part in the DBA brief which is a great opportunity to engage in collaborative work and participate in a live brief with creative directions from some really great design studios. Founded in 1986, the Design Business Association (DBA) champions the transformative power of design, promoting its strategic and economic value to business and government. As the industry’s trade association we represent a vibrant community of design consultancies and design-driven businesses. The DBA is  committed to shaping a positive future for all those working in the field of design and passionate about bringing design and business ever closer together to deliver the greatest returns. Working with studios that are members of this organisation, allows great networking links and opportunities to engage with live practice. 

Briefed by 4 creative directors the brief was to get into teams and creatively re-position nootropics as an positive and beneficial supplement to improve an individuals life removing its predetermined connotations. during the briefing it was explained the project is more about the concept and a solid understanding of a defined target audience demonstrating a critical ability to design for a particular group and execute an appropriate design strategy. I chose to work in a group with Jack, Lo and, Chalotte as we have successfully worked together in collaboration before and our individual specialisms greatly aids the diversity we can provide in our resolution. 

Initial Research: 
Initial investigating the area of nootropics allowed me to understand the premise of the product to which I can then begin to create informed design directions. Nootropics is an umbrella term for a class of chemicals — some naturally-occurring, some manmade — that give cognitive benefits to the human brain.  
In order to be a nootropic, a substance must meet five criteria set by Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea, the man who coined the term “nootropic.”  The substance must…

  • Enhance memory and ability to learn.
  • Help the brain function under disruptive conditions, such as hypoxia (low oxygen) and electroconvulsive shock.
  • Protect the brain from chemical and physical assaults, such as anti-cholinergic drugs and barbiturates.
  • Increase the efficacy of neuronal firing control mechanisms in cortical and sub-cortical regions of the brain.
  • Possess few or no side effects and be virtually non-toxic.
With a better understanding of the subject matter I felt in a better place to begin brain storming activities that will determine our concept, audience and creative direction. 

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