Monday 25 January 2016

OUGD502: Study Task 1 - Intro

OUGD502 Study Task 1 - Taking Care of Business 



Working in groups of up to four you will construct a business plan or business proposal for a creative design studio and present it to your peers and tutors in a feedbacked oral presentation.
Your plan/proposal and presentation should be based on the analysis and content that you have been introduced to throughout the module.

Analysis of The brief:

This brief appears engaging as it gives total creative freedom to pick your partners and mock up a business plan. I feel this will be relevant to my professional practise as I have not yet considered stating my own business however this brief may improve my perceptions of start up businesses and that it could be a viable option for me in the future. I think it will difficult working collaboratively as everyone naturally has different opinions but to ensure a successful resolution there must be a fair democratic tone to the partnership to make sure it doesn't fall apart. 

My Group: 

I have chosen to work with 3 other graphic designers that are also good friends, I think working with friends will not kinder the partnerships performance but improve it as we will all motive each other being the proactive designers we are, and working with friends will ensure the journey of setting up a business plan is fun and engaging not a chore. Each designer I am working with has individual strengths; Jack is strong at poster and web design, Lo works great under pressure and brings an extensive design knowledge to the table and charlotte works well with illustrations and social media, I bring conceptual design and a knowledge of branding to the group. These individual strengths complement one another and cover all bases suggesting it has the making for a strong partnership with an engaging and unique business proposal. 

Partnership Agreement: 

This partnership agreement acts as a legal contract and clarifies equal responsibilities and ownership within the partnership which protects all members and adds a sense of legitimacy to the study task. 

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