Over the summer I decided to make a tumblr blog to as an inspiration tool, Looked at a range of blogging websites such as Behance, Pinterest, trend list and tumblr however tumblr felt the most engaging to me personally. I wanted something that would be a chore to maintain and could just flick through when I have a spare five minutes.
I added various links to the tumblr page to promote myself as a designer linking to my instragram, portfolio, and about section in order to promote my practise as well. The main function of the blog it to engage with the industry keeping an up to date knowledge of graphic design that will provide me with inspiration for future and current projects.
At present I have limited the blog to graphic design however am considering expanding this to other design forms such as photography, architecture and interior design to pull inspiration form a range of different disciplines.
*UPDATE* this works and its going great, ive gotten into the habit of checking it when I have down time, ive talked to other designers on it and taken some real inspiration as a direct result of this blog.